You'll be in my Heart
Do you know this song? It's from the Disney movie Tarzan, the one that the "mom" gorilla sings to Tarzan shortly after she finds him and while all the other gorillas are giving "mom" dirty looks for bringing a human into their midst. (yes, I watch and love disney movies :))
Well this is Andrew's song. It's his song in the traditional way that I've sang it to him since he was days old, and he loves to hear it. It's also his song in that it's the ONLY song he will let me sing to him. :) Anything else I try to sing gets really nasty noises from my little man. hehe
This song has a tremendous calming effect on Andrew. It can stop a tantrum, calm a squirmy child in bed, and in general settles him down immensely. He stops what he's doing to look at me, to watch me (sometimes) and to just relax into the song. So I suppose this isn't just Andrew's song, this is Andrew and I's song. That is as comforting to me as the song is to Andrew.
Well this is Andrew's song. It's his song in the traditional way that I've sang it to him since he was days old, and he loves to hear it. It's also his song in that it's the ONLY song he will let me sing to him. :) Anything else I try to sing gets really nasty noises from my little man. hehe
This song has a tremendous calming effect on Andrew. It can stop a tantrum, calm a squirmy child in bed, and in general settles him down immensely. He stops what he's doing to look at me, to watch me (sometimes) and to just relax into the song. So I suppose this isn't just Andrew's song, this is Andrew and I's song. That is as comforting to me as the song is to Andrew.
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