Monday, July 18, 2005

Fiddle Faddle

Do you know what this stuff is? I can't tell you what's in it, except that it is based in popcorn with stuff on top of it . . I think caramel. Anyway, we like to watch the Food Network. So there sits Andrew, staring intently at the TV and Food Network (which he never does). At first we were just in awe that he was watching it so closely, and I honestly barely noticed that Food Network was going through how Fiddle Faddle is made and packaged.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when he and I were in the kitchen that Andrew asked for "pop quarter". As I mentioned before, I ended up making him some microwave real fast, because I didn't have any to give him. It was just after turning on the microwave that it occurred to me what he'd been staring at so hard.

Andrew had seen the Fiddle Faddle on TV, and decided he was in the mood for popcorn!! I was so happy and proud of him I just could hardly stand it. It made the popcorn treat all the more special. :)


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