Sunday, March 27, 2005

The perfect bunny

Well it's Easter. And Easter is great, but when you have a child who isn't into sweets Easter isn't quite as much fun as it could be. He does like M&M's, so we filled Easter eggs with those, goldfish, and pretzels. That was fun enough, and he found and has since emptied and eaten all dozen eggs.

Then I got a call from my grandmother, telling me she had an Easter Bunny for Andrew. Now I shouldn't have doubted, but I did. I thought surely she must realize that he won't eat an Easter Bunny, that's just not something he's into. I doubt he would even be happy to see one.

So we went over to pick it up, and to see my grandma, her husband, and his sister (who were playing cards). We got there, and grandma brougth out the PERFECT Easter Bunny (as I said, I shoudln't have doubted). He's not chocolate at all, but fuzzy, furry, soft and white. Oh yeah, he's also almost 3 feet tall!

He loves it, it was a hit. :) Grandma's really are wonderful. :)


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