Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Remember when you start here, Andrew is 3, and is essentially nonverbal (but getting better!). What seems like a small triumph for a lot of parents, and one that should be old news to us now that he's three is really very big, and very amazing and special in a child with Andrew's challenges.

That said, I'll tell you about the evening we spent on our porch with Heather. Heather's a friend of mine, and a wonderful one. She came over to hang out and we ended up sitting on the porch with Andrew. We were discussing bodyparts, and which ones Andrew knew. I told her he knew his head, shoulders, knees and toes (a great song that many parents already know) but that most others were sketchy at best.

So Heather started in, quizzing Andrew. She asked him where his nose was, and he said "Noe" and got it right!! Then she asked about his mouth, which he couldn't find, but he did repeat her with "Mofh" (or something close to that). We went on, and by the end of the discussion (with lots of practice) Andrew was repeating and finding his Eyes, Ears, Mouth and Nose with generally good consistancy. Admittedly, all he knew about his ears was that if he moved his hands around on his head long enough, we'd cheer for him, but he had the idea! :)


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