Monday, February 20, 2006

in the car

Andrew has a routine, and he really likes his routine. He would really rather no one interfere with that routine if at all possible. With snow days and President's Day, plus the weekend, today is Andrew's 5th day of no school. This does not fit well with his routine.

This morning when it was time to go to daycare (which he loves), I had to get this point across to him of where we were going. For anyone who doesn't deal with Autism on a regular basis, telling him of the change BEFORE it happens is much better than seeing his reaction afterwards.

Well I can't tell him it's time to go outside, because for some reason that means "go to the park". And I can't just say it's time to go, because that will mean go as the routine expects, and he'll start to look for the bus. So I go with the most specific thing I can explain to him that won't give the wrong impression (so I think). I tell Andrew "It's time to go in the car". Andrew's face lights up, and he says to me "Wal-Mart?"

Now I don't know when "in the car" came to mean wal-mart, but I think I am now in definite trouble for a generic explaination for going somewhere. EEK!!! :)

Needless to say, when I had to inform him of who we were going to see (the daycare provider), he got upset at me. And I guess I can see why. I mean, I HAD told him I was taking him to Wal-Mart, I just didn't know I'd told him that. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Yeah, I know it's been ages since I've added anything here. It hasn't been due to lack of cuteness from Andrew, so much as lack of time on my part. But I'm going to get back on track (or try to). I thought I'd start with our Cinnamon Toast Crunch story.

The other day, Andrew found the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the kitchen. Now it has letters, and letters with colors (his two fascinations lately), so I shouldn't be surprised he was interested in it. He took it down to the floor, and informed me he wanted it "open". Well I'm all for that, so I opened up the box for him, and he announced he needed a "bowl". Out comes the bowl, and he starts asking for something I can't understand.

When mom just obviously wasn't getting it, he went to the drawer and opened it, obviously going to get his own spoon. Well mom's slow, but even I figured out he'd been asking for a spoon, so I got him one. :) He grabbed numerous handfulls of cereal out of the box, and proceeded to sit on the floor and eat his newfound treat.

I took some pictures (which I will add once I get them off my digital camera) and he ate a fairly large bowl of cereal. He'd never eaten this before to my knowledge, so I am soooooo excited he tried something new all by himself!! We did lots of cheering and announcing what a good boy he was.

It should be noted he hasn't had anymore cereal since then, but hey, I'll take it as I can get it. :)